CASDA's Mission
The Capital Area School Development Association (CASDA) has more than 75 years of experience engaging educators and their schools in addressing challenges, embracing opportunities and creating positive, lasting outcomes for children.

As an organization, we:
Serve as a collaborative planning, research and development organization for member schools.
Assist member schools in enhancing their organizational capacity.
Effectively serve the educational needs of member district's and their communities.
Promote a partnership between the University at Albany (SUNY) and member districts.
Provide cutting edge professional development and research to support emerging needs of educators.
CASDA's Core Values:
The Capital Area School Development Association believes in:
Facilitating opportunities to bring member school districts together to build community, collegiality and collaboration.
Fostering educational partnerships and collaboration with local educational organizations (such as the University at Albany and local BOCES).
Gathering the best educational research/resources to address emerging educational challenges and initiatives in support of member school districts.
Recruiting and connecting educational consultants with expertise in a variety of educational areas.