Awards Dinners

Students and Teachers Who Make a Difference Celebration
This annual event recognizes outstanding high school seniors from public, private, parochial, and BOCES secondary schools in the Greater Capital Region. It also honors teachers nominated by each student scholar for having had a significant influence on their education.

Friends of Education Awards
School life is a rich tapestry that is incalculably enhanced by unique contributions from educators, parents, staff and coaches. Friends of Education recipients impact their schools in various ways but are united in their commitment to enriching the lives of students. We hope you take the opportunity to acknowledge the efforts of individuals who work tirelessly in service of their school community.

Annual Education Awards
Great schools require the coordinated efforts of dedicated individuals serving in diverse roles to provide opportunities for students. CASDA's Annual Capital Region Education Awards Dinner recognizes excellence in all corners of the school community. Organizations throughout the area recognize excellence in specific areas of educational practice.