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Conferences and Workshops

Advancing Literacy for ALL: A Workshop on Implementing Science of Reading-Based Curriculum Changes for Educators
Join us for a dynamic professional development day designed to empower educators in advancing literacy through the Science of Reading. In this workshop, we will delve into the fundamentals of the Science of Reading instructional best practices, equipping you with the knowledge and strategies needed to plan for literacy instruction in ALL content areas.

Empowering Educators: Developing Processes for Identifying Twice-Exceptional Learners
This full-day professional learning opportunity will build educators' knowledge about the differences between language acquisition and possible disabilities, and help educators develop or refine the processes their districts use to properly identify Twice-Exceptional multilingual learners.


Aspiring Leaders Seminar
Are you considering a school leadership role? Hear from a panel of experts on what it means to lead, join Principals’ Center Board Members in mock interview breakout sessions and begin building your network of peers in leadership roles and start on your path to becoming a school leader.

From Audit to Action: Strengthening Literacy Instruction Through Curricular Review
Using NYSED’s Curricular Review Tools and the Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Framework (CRSF), this session will guide educators through a structured process to audit their current curriculum, assess alignment with the Science of Reading, and develop an action plan for meaningful next steps.

The PeaceAble Approach to SEL
The PeaceAble Approach is a school-wide initiative that creates a school community focused on celebrating the values of character education, conflict resolution, and social emotional well-being. The components of this program are tailored to your individual school’s needs and can be easily incorporated into any elementary or middle-level school environment.

Prioritizing Your Time, Your Tasks and Yourself: A workshop and luncheon for school and district office professionals
This workshop will celebrate the essential and valuable work our educational office professionals do every day! We will focus on the topics of time management, prioritizing, customer service and self care as participants share ideas and experiences in a fun and interactive day.

Virtual Series

School-based Literacy Teams: A Vehicle for Improving Student Literacy Learning and Achievement
Schools will receive guidance and support in conducting an inventory of literacy assessments, instructional strategies, instructional materials and professional development needs. We will utilize NYS Literacy Initiative documents including NYS Literacy Briefs and NYS P-3 Instructional Best Practices Guide to support school efforts in completing the required verification of alignment with the NYS Literacy Initiative.

Digital Accessibility for Educators
A key federal accessibility compliance deadline is coming in 2026 that will impact how K-12 school districts communicate. This workshop will summarize the federal rule and its implications for school districts, outline strategies for managing accessibility at the leadership level, and highlight best practices for accessible school communications.
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